Eco-Friendly Choice
As the world is changing, more homeowners are looking for more options that are sustainable, long lasting and have a lower enviromental impact. Metal is a great alternative to traditional shingles and tiles and meet the growing need for sustainability. Metal roofing is a great way to meet the demands for energy effeciency, durability and longetivity and a smaller carbon footprint.

Energy Efficiency
Energy Star rated ‘cool’ metal roofing can reduce interior cooling cost by as much as 20%. Reflective properties of steel help reduce the warming effects during summer months thereby reducing your cooling costs even on painted surfaces.
Durability and Longevity
Traditional tile and shingle roofing typically needs to be replaced every 5 years while metal roofs can last up to 50 years. They are built to withstand the harshes of weather conditions including rain, snow, and hail which means fewer repairs and maintenance.
Small Carbon Footprint
Most metal is made from recycled material and can be rcycled again eleminating the need for new materials and decrease waste.